Diazonamide A 2003

KC and structure

Diazonamide A Team with KC 2003
Scott, Xianhai, Kenji, Junliang, Bheema, Mali-Venkat, Marco, and David

Diazonamide A Team 2003
Marco, Bheema, Xianhai, Junliang, David, Scott, Mali-Vanket, and Kenji

KC and Team 2003
Scott, Xianhai, Junliang, and Bheema

Diazonamide A Team with KC doing what? 2003
Marco, Xianhai, Scott, Kenji, Junliang, Mali-Venkat (back)
David and Bheema (front)

The team in a brawl 2003
Xianhai and Scott



The KCN Lab has sponsored and participated in various events throughout the year. Click on the following links for a snapshot of these events. We hope you enjoy and look forward to more pictures in the future!

Lab Members


Trips Abroad

Guest Lectures


ACS New York

Cyprus 2009

Diazonamide A


KCN Photos